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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Apple release patch for a SSL security vulnerability - mSecLabs - MOBIQUANT Mobile Security Labs | mSecLabs - MOBIQUANT Mobile Security Labs

has recently pushed an emergency update for iOS (7.0.6) that fixes a
critical vulnerability that could allow hackers to intercept the user’s
traffic (email, messages etc) and other communications that is meant to
be encrypted.
The vulnerability occurs in the logic some iOS applications use to
authenticate themselves to the server over SSL (Secure Socket Layer).
Because of this flaw, an attacker who is present on the same wired or
wireless network can perform a man in the middle (MITM) attack and
bypass the initial authentication check during the connection handshake.
Once this is done, the attacker can see all the traffic going to and
fro from your device to the server. He can modify the data over the air
and also eavesdrop over all the user’s information.

More details about the vulnerability can be found here.

It is recommended to update to the latest version of iOS (7.0.6) that
patches this vulnerability. Until then, it is advisable not to use any
untrusted WiFi networks as your information might be eavesdropped upon.

After reverse engineering the patch, several security researchers
have found out that the flaw exists in the current versions of Mac OSX
as well. No patch is available yet for that operating system, though one
is expected soon.

Read Article on mSeclabs Team website:  Apple release patch for a SSL security vulnerability

Blog Mobiquant : Apple's 'Gotofail' Security Mess Extends To Mail, Twitter, iMessage, Facetime And More

First, Apple revealed a critical bug in its implementation of
 encryption in iOS, requiring an emergency patch. Then researchers found
the same bug is also included in Apple’s desktop OSX operating system, a
gaping Web security hole that leaves users of Safari at risk of having their traffic hijacked.
Now one researcher has found evidence that the bug extends beyond
Apple’s browser to other applications including Mail, Twitter, Facetime,
iMessage and even Apple’s software update mechanism.

On Sunday, privacy researcher Ashkan Soltani posted a list of  OSX applications on Twitter
that he says he’s determined use Apple’s “secure transport” framework,
the coding library that developers depend on to build programs that
securely communicate online using the common encryption protocols TLS
and SSL. The full list, which isn’t comprehensive given that Soltani
only analyzed the programs on his own PC, is shown below. (Soltani has
underlined the vulnerable application names in red.)

Screen Shot 2014-02-23 at 4.57.40 PM
Privacy researcher Ashkan Soltani’s list of
OSX applications that use Apple’s vulnerable implementation of SSL and
TLS encryption. (Click to enlarge.)

Soltani, an independent researcher whose recent work has
included analyzing the surveillance documents leaked by NSA contractor
Edward Snowden on behalf of the Washington Post, warns that the security
of several applications on that list are severely compromised,
including Apple’s email program Mail, scheduling app Calendar and the
its official Twitter desktop client. The bug affects how Apple devices
authenticate their secure connection with servers, allowing an
eavedropper to fake that verification and hijack or corrupt traffic
using what’s known as a “man-in-the-middle” attack. ”All these apps
would be vulnerable to the same man-in-the-middle vulnerability outlined
on Friday,” Soltani says.

Some of the affected apps such as iMessage and Facetime have added
security that could reduce the effects of the security vulnerability,
though Soltani warns that for the iMessage instant messaging application
the initial login at Apple’s me.com website may be compromised, even if
the messages themselves remain encrypted, and that similar problems may
exist for Facetime. “There are going to be parts of the protocol like
the initial ‘handshake’ that rely on TLS, and those will be vulnerable
to man-in-the-middle attacks,” Soltani says.

Equally troubling is the notion that Apple’s Software Update
application is affected, which means that Apple’s mechanism for pushing
new code to OSX machines, including security updates, could be
compromised. Soltani notes that in addition to SSL and TLS, Software
Update also checks for Apple’s signature on any code that it asks users
to install. But he adds that the code-signing protection hasn’t stopped
malware from spoofing those updates in the past to install spying tools on victims’ machines.

I’ve reached out to Apple for comment on Soltani’s findings, and I’ll update this post if I hear from the company.

Apple’s newly discovered security flaw, dubbed “gotofail” by the
security community due to a single improperly used “goto” command in
Apple’s code that triggered it, initially came to light Friday when
Apple issued a security update for iOS. Researchers at the security firm
Crowdstrike and Google quickly reverse engineered that patch to show
how it affected OSX as well, and initially recommended that users stay away from untrusted networks and avoid Safari, which is more dependent on Apple’s implementation of SSL and TLS than other browsers such as Chrome or Firefox.

Soltani’s work, however, shows that the problem extends further,
leaving many users with few options for secure communications until
Apple issues a fix for its desktop software. The company promised in a statement to Reuters
Saturday to make that fix available “very soon.” Given the widening
gaps in Apple’s security the flaw exposes, it can’t come soon enough.

 Read article on Forbes Magazine:

Apple's 'Gotofail' Security Mess Extends To Mail, Twitter, iMessage, Facetime And More - Forbes


 Website Mobiquant

Sunday, February 2, 2014


iH8sn0w , the author of numerous jailbreak softwares, announced on Twitter that he has discovered a bootrom exploit for all Apple devices with A5/A5X processors.

iH8sn0w Twitter message about his jailbreak new exploit
In 2010, the hacker Geohot (aka George Hotz) had found a bootrom exploit called Limera1n, which formed the base for untethered jailbreak for devices running A4 processors.

Unlike a security flaw in the ‘User Space’, which can easily be fixed
by Apple through a simple software update in a fairly quick time,
exploits targeting the BootRom address the physical layer (physical ROM,
NAN storage L3/L2 baseband, GEM and kernel). These are particularly
complicated to fix by Apple as this requires a hardware update and hence
cannot be pushed to existing users.


Read full article on Mobiquant website and Mobiquant Facebook