Thursday, December 12, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Mobile Security Management
Mobiquant Technologies flagship product - Mobile NX Defender Suite™ empowers enterprises, governments and end-users in manageing security vulnerabilities of their mobile devices and applications in real-time. Mobile NX™ opens up potential for new use cases that will improve productivity & increase returns on mobile fleet & IT investments.
Monday, December 2, 2013
▶ LG G Flex, first Self Healing Phone from scratches and fully flexible !
South Korean electronics company LG has launched its Flex smartphone with an intriguing “self-healing” coating that supposedly allows it to recovers from accidental scratches.
To put this claim to the test, YouTube tech personality Marques Brownlee has deliberately scratched his LG Flex phone with his keys, mimicking the way they would rub up against the phone in his pocket.
Surprisingly, after just a few minutes, the light scratches were already mostly cleared up and barely noticeable, thus demonstrating the self-healing power of LG’s special cover coating.
Brownlee also took a knife to his LG Flex—while its self-healing feature was less effective in this case, the knife cut did become far less obvious than it would have been with a regular phone.
Whatch Bronwlee demo:
mPROAPPSTORE SMEAP : Mobile Enterprise Application, Write once, securely run anywhere
Centralized management enabling administrators to control which users can access an application and what enterprise databases that application can exploit data from.
simplify cross-platform development.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Google aurait envisagé de quitter les Etats-Unis après le scandale de la NSA
Google aurait longuement hésité à déplacer ses serveurs et à quitter les Etats-Unis. C'est Eric Schmidt, le PDG de Google qui l'a annoncé à l'occasion du sommet annuel du Paley Media Center à New-York. La firme, éclaboussée par le scandale de l’espionnage illégal de l’Agence Nationale de Sécurité (NSA), a décidé de rester aux Etats-Unis... pour lutter contre les programmes de surveillance.
Lire l'article :
Google aurait envisagé de quitter les Etats-Unis après le scandale de la NSA
NX Safevoice™: A Unique Non NSA/NIST Standardised Voice and Video Encryption Solution
This reccurring question as global business environment is more and more insecure today has an answer now ! Mobiquant’s secure encrypted voice, visioconference and messenging chat solutions enable your business to bring your organization with a unique high level of mobile communication security. Today’s most efficient companies and public institutions want to ensure a high level of confidentiality and integrity in their communication. Mobiquant encrypted communication sessions enables your staff and employees to use existing systems for secure encrypted communications while maintaining compliance with PCI, HIPAA, and other regulations.Are there any good mobile secure voice, video and chat programs?
Discover more about NXSafeVoice by Mobiquant :
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
NSA surveillance: Europe threatens to freeze US data-sharing arrangements | World news
NSA surveillance: Europe threatens to freeze US data-sharing arrangements
The US will have to adjust their surveillance activities to comply with EU law and enable legal redress in the US courts for Europeans whose rights may have been infringed, said Viviane Reding, the EU's justice and rights commissioner who is negotiating with the US on the fallout from the NSA scandal.
European businesses need to compete on a level playing field with US rivals, Reding told the Guardian.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Mobiquant News: iPad and iPhone users urged to switch to Android by Eric Schmidt ~ Blog Mobiquant Technologies
Mobiquant Technologies - Mobile Security Management :
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from WordPress
Mobiquant News: iPad and iPhone users urged to switch to Android by Eric Schmidt
Google executive chairman issues how to leave Apple guide for new Android users.
Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt has authored a guide to help Apple iPhone users make the switch to the Android mobile operating system.
Read more: ITPRO article
iPad and iPhone users urged to switch to Android by Eric Schmidt | IT PRO
Monday, November 25, 2013
Mobiquant, the mobile security leader, warns IT leaders against MDM only approach. - News -Mobiquant Technologies
Mobiquant products are being used successfully by leaders in diverse industries. Among our customers are global leading companies from fields such as Healthcare, Finance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Telecom and Government Institutions as well as French Department of Defense, Homeland in 20 countries, NATO, Geneva Police. Mobiquant solutions are only way to definitely secure any company data from external attacks.
As BYOD becoming a growing demand in most of the enterprises, Mobiquant prepared products that fully covers every aspect of Mobile Device Management and Mobile Security Management. This way our solutions definitely solves any problems related with BYOD process.
Mobiquant, the mobile security leader, warns IT leaders against MDM only approach. - News -Mobiquant Technologies
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
Mobiquant Slideshare. Mobile Security : Demystifying the Security Weaknesses of iOS and Android
Presentation addresses following table of content :
- Mobile Usage Evolution 2008-2013
- Mobile Threats Trends in 2013
- iOSvs Android Platforms Analysis
- MDM vs MSM (Mobile Security Management))
- B2B mobility at risk
- Future of Mobile Security
- Internet object and Data leakage
Thursday, November 21, 2013
#mobilesecurity #mobiquant
NX Safevoice™: A Unique Non NSA/NIST Standardised Voice and Video Encryption Solution
Mobiquant NXCloud, Certified mobile security platform in the cloud
Mobile Security and IT management in the Cloud. When traditional MDM solutions are not enough.
What is happening to our corporate devices, data or applications and services in the cloud ? .Ever asked yourself those questions ? As more and more businesses are massively moving their mainstream Cloud-based I.T operations on Mobile-ready applications, it has opened the door for security vulnerabilities in organizations. These technologies, despite enormous advantages, are causing users and enterprises alike to lose control over various aspects of their data.
For example, who really owns data uploaded to Facebook, how does a user control accesses to her data on a stolen mobile device, and how can an enterprise enforce uniform security and privacy policies when its data is stored in the cloud and on its employees’ mobile devices?
Today’s most efficient companies and public institutions want to ensure a high level of confidentiality and integrity in their communication. Based on its multi-awarded technologies and after many years providing them to its customers, Mobiquant answers those challenges through NXCloud™ , the first mobile security management platform taking into account the mandatory security compliancies for most businesses.
NXCloud™ Mobile Security platform: A 100% cloud centric service easing your teams daily operations.
More details on our website :
Monday, November 18, 2013
Q3 2013: mobile malware on the rise, 97% targets Android
An increasing number of malware threats are currently affecting the Android operating system.
According to Mobile Threat Report from FSecure in Q3 2013, around 259 total mobile threat families and variants have been detected across the popular mobile OS's, with 252 of them being found on Android. The remaining 7 are found on Nokia's aging Symbian OS, while no threats have been reported for iOS, BlackBerry, or Windows Phone.
The threat breakdown consists primarily of Trojans (more than 90% of all threats), the largest percentage of which are targeted at mobile banking. A large majority of mobile banking trojans are of the SMSSpy variety, which aim to intercept SMS messages sent from banks in the form of secondary or two-step authentication of user credentials or online transactions.
SMSSpy differs from other malware families as it does not descend from a single identifiable code source, and as such is more difficult to identify and intercept. F-Secure has also detected a rising count of PUAs (Potentially Unwanted Applications), which include undesirable or unwanted functionality, or inadvertently introduce security risks.
According to the source, a way for malware to find its way onto your device is by physically accessing your device, which is why locking your device or protecting it with an Anti-theft solution is recommended.
Read more: The paypers
Warnings about Android malware, more apps more flaws.
If you get into a conversation with an IT manager about BYOD policies, they’re often all for it – as
long as the devices aren’t Android.
The Google-made operating system has a reputation for being open to malware, in part because Google wasn’t vigilant enough in the early going of its app store, and in part because as the number of Android phones began to swell malware makers began devoting more attention to the platform.
While Google has toughened up on apps being put into the Play Store, the focus of malware developers hasn’t.
In a column this month is, Troy Wolverton quotes security analysts saying that isn’t enough. Android users can download apps from anywhere, while Apple limits iPad and iPhone downloads to its App Store, and Microsoft forbids Windows Phone users from getting apps anywhere but the Windows Phone store.
Read more:
or visit for more Canadian IT News
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Mobiquant News: BlackBerry Abandons Plan to Sell Company
Mobiquant Technologies - Mobile Security Management in Motion
BlackBerry Ltd. is abandoning a plan to find a buyer and will instead raise $1-billion of new funds and replace its chief executive and some directors, sources said. The Waterloo, Ont.-based smartphone company had spent the past two and a half months seeking a buyer, and had received a letter of intent from investor Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. to purchase the company for $4.7-billion. Fairfax had until today to complete its detailed examination of BlackBerry’s books.
The post Mobiquant News: BlackBerry Abandons Plan to Sell Company appeared first on Mobiquant Technologies.
from WordPress
Friday, November 15, 2013
Snowden's Impact on the Enterprise: How Mobile Security is Evolving Post-NSA Leak |
Snowden's Impact on the Enterprise: How Mobile Security is Evolving Post-NSA Leak | Innovation Insights |
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Singapore team helps plug flaws in Apple devices
Mobiquant Technologies - Mobile Security Management in Motion
SINGAPORE had a hand in making the popular iPhones and iPads safer from malicious software programmers. A group of eight researchers here found three security flaws in tech giant Apple's iOS operating system used in its mobile phones and tablets. The vulnerabilities would have allowed hackers to design third-party applications which could crack the devices' passcode, block incoming calls or post unauthorised tweets.
The post Singapore team helps plug flaws in Apple devices appeared first on Mobiquant Technologies.
from WordPress
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Conrad Longmore crap security for dirty money. Dynamoo UPDATED
We learnt (by different security friends) that the CONRAD LONGMORE loves denigrating people, revealing their personal life for free BUT DON T LIKE THIS FOR HIMSELF. ;-) YES ! in fact he asked GOOGLE to remove his post from the results in the Google search. Crazy ! that our White security Knight don t like what he does to (some) honest people and companies to ensure the Buzz and traffic on his eCommerce Blog where he is still selling crap things that Have nothing related about security.
So here we are again guys !!
Earlier, in August we were informed by some partners of a strange post from a guy claiming being a "security expert". This dude called Conrad Longmore from a blog we never heard about (dynamoo), posted an article about Mobiquant Technologies. He maybe got his freeware antivirus warning him about a malicious javascript resulting of an infection on our hoster files. The strange thing here is fully about the behaviour of the guy claiming to belong to the security community. After 20 years in the sec arena we never seen a hacked victim behing blamed and denigrated having its website infected. What about the hackers? sure it requires a real true technical work. Not given to everyone.
We made a quick search about this unknown blogger.
We got a location: [hidden] Bedford BedfordshireMK42, with another occupant : Samantha J Morrison.
He is using a personal blog space on google blogspot, after apparently having tried several corp domain ( 404 error, no files) and a wordpress free space ( 404 error , no files).)
No company, no professional profile. Jobless or Yet another freelancer. Website : seems to be a fake or outdated (last update 2003) website as many links are broken. Kind of blogsite quickly setup and stopped by this myserious guy.
We found some related facebook link : , with a profile picture of a guy having a walk in the british countryside holding a bag with a kiddy puppet in the back :
and a twitter account with some strange twitts taking position for the homosexual community :
After having contacted the guy , our team did not have any answer from him.
Seems that this guy is using various ways to drive some traffic to his blog by denigrating different websites and people with no reasons claiming they are all hackers or malicious internets users and has already many enemies apparently:
This is clearly to make some business about mobile items sold on his web and by using this technique of degritation to do some buzz ( audience is poor) he is selling mobile accessories. Security ? ecommerce ? mobile accessories ? strange guy ;-). People are complaining on forums about receiving spam email from him to buy mobiles parts : "
Conrad Longmore does appear to sell all kinds of things, including mobile phones, and portable air conditioners, so the guy must have read the site and added the PS for shits and giggles" : Forum of victims describing what happened to them.
The malware a classical non critical HH. JS, among thousands variants of this kind, have spreaded thoughout the web since years, and it has infected again this summer up to 252 000 website among which and some others which were unavailable for nearly one week for some of them.
Our dude find that on our website, which is obviously technically hosted on a distinct independent infrastructure than the corporate one, thought it was a valid and major reason to drive a deep dive study about : the company, its financial status (with French reading bad expertise ;-)) , our management, our domain .... and yes absolutely not about this malware, the security countermeasures etc . In short nothing related with security and IT.
The funny thing is that he did criticize our website about having a temporary non critical js malware and we thought we should find a perfect website on his side. This was aboslutely not the case:
- broken links(25/70), outdated references( last update is 2003),blogsite is badly designed, coded and graphically disgusting. We even find 5 vulnerabilities and it looks like a beginner web blogger.
By the way we decided not to take any action again this anonymous strange blogger which apparently is using strange techniques to exists and shine on the web to make money on our back.
Finnally, after some discussion with famous security real bloggers on the web most of them told us they never heard of him and few who did know him, had some negative feedback about his behaviour. As in any case a security professional will blame a hacked victim for being infect or hacked. Our company never decided to be infected for some days earlier during summer time. This mix of corporate, financial -(he is also a financial expert ;-)) and personal elements in a security analysis demonstrate clearly the guy is somehow not in the security space but just personnally blogging using security as an excuse.
This is how the web is going nowadays : giving some space to unknown people, having lot of freetime to blog on all and nothing.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
Mobiquant Invited by Japan Government to Exhibit IT pro EXPO
Mozilla Releases First Two Firefox OS Smartphones
Researchers find another Android attack that can get past signature checks
'Kill switch' on smartphones takes a step forward
- list of devices that use the company network along with assigned users and their user access level to the enterprise data
- data storage rules and the terms of downloading data on employees’ mobile devices
- procedures in case of a theft, loss and termination of the contract with an employee that will allow to erase company’s data from a mobile device
- terms and procedures for operating systems and software update
- requirements for password usage.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Blog Mobiquant Technologies: interview-de-reda-zitouni-par-mobiquant_6.html
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Le MDM est incontestablement un nouvel axe stratégique pour les entreprises. La mise en place d’un projet de mobilité ne peut souffrir d’une gestion de la sécurité approximative voire absente. Il est donc utile de bien structurer sa démarche projet et d’adopter de bonnes pratiques. Nous allons aborder ces dernières dans une série d’articles d’Opinion et débuter cette initiative avec une première analyse sur l’importance de la maîtrise des terminaux utilisés par les collaborateurs.
La suite de l article:,20130223,35629.html
La suite de l article :
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Mobile security: iOS vs. Android vs. BlackBerry vs. Windows Phone
As Samsung pushes to be 'enterprise class' and BlackBerry seeks renewed business buy-in, which platform provides the security you need?
MOBIQUANT BLOGGER : Premieres fuite de l'iPhone 5S fuite en photos
Mobiquant Technologies: Il est impossible de pirater l'iPad de Barack Obama...
Sa tablette est toutefois différente du modèle que nous pouvons avoir nous même. L'iPad est en effet dépourvu des capteurs photo, du réseau 3G et Wi-Fi.
Lire la suite sur Next 51:
HACK: Une méthode pour déverrouiller un iPhone sous iOS 6.1
Critiqué depuis une semaine, le système d'exploitation mobile fait de nouveau parler de lui avec l'apparition d'une méthode pour accéder aux données de l'iPhone en contournant le verrouillage du smartphone. Apple a promis un correctif. Il existe un moyen d'avoir accès à plusieurs données privées sur un iPhone sous iOS 6.1, même si le smartphone est verrouillé par un code. Cette méthode a commencé a circulé hier matin. Une vidéo sur YouTube est disponible depuis le 31 janvier dernier.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Mobiquant Technologies - Reda Zitouni - Monaco 2012 - La Sécurité Mobile...
Retrouvez nous sur les liens presse sécurité et IT:,20130223,35629.html
Mobiquant publie son livre blanc : Le MDM ne suffit pas ou quand la sécurité mobile n est pas un gadget !
"L'entreprise doit définir une stratégie de sécurité mobile et son emploi ", Reda Zitouni MOBIQUANT TECHNOLOGIES
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Monday, February 4, 2013
Les webinars de Mobiquant : prochain le 07.02.2013
Mobiquant organise des webinars sur les thèmes du mobile device management et du mobile device security. Pour plus de renseignement, contactez nous directement à travers notre page dédié : Webinar.
Mobiquant augmente sa présence sur la toile
Mobiquant, leader de la sécurité des terminaux mobile, ou mobile device management, a été à de nombreuses reprises cités par les médias pour la qualité de son offre.
Nous revenons sur les articles qui font notre succès :
Mobiquant renforce son mode de distribution indirect
21 janvier - Actionco
22 janvier - Sécurité DSIsionnel
23 janvier - Global Security Mag
28 janvier - BFM TV
Par ailleurs, Mobiquant sort son livre blanc à la disposition des décideurs informatiques.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Mobiquant recrute des intégrateurs
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Chinese hackers break into the New York Times, steal every employee's password
Read more informations.
L’usage des terminaux mobiles impacte durablement le fonctionnement de l’entreprise
Lire la suite.
Pinpointing Your Security Risks
In the past few years these intentions have been turned around, to where scanning tools now give the guys in the white hats a good idea of where the vulnerabilities are and a chance to repair them before the hackers get there.
At least they provide the potential for that. The fact is, many companies don’t seem to be taking advantage of these tools or if they do have them, they are not making much use of them.
Read more informations.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Mobiquant définit le mobile security management
Découvrir la suite de notre définition du mobile security management.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Mobiquant Technologies mise sur l'international | Actualités entreprise Toulouse et Midi Pyrénées : Objectif News. Informations économie, business, politique et innovation
Retrouvez le fil info du Mobile Security Management de Mobiquant
Monday, January 28, 2013
Bilan 2012 très positif pour Mobiquant
Prenez rendez-vous avec l'équipe Mobiquant en quelques clics
Mobiquant reste à votre disposition pour répondre à toutes vos demandes.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Sécurisez vos iPhones et iPad avec la solutions unifié iPhortress

Une couverture complète des solutions MDM & MSM pour terminaux Apple
Auto-enrôlement et Auto Discovery
Gestion Over-The-Air totale
Déploiement sur une partie ou l’ensemble des utilisateurs
Plateforme d’administration accessible depuis le Web
Installation Plug and Play ultra rapide
Gestion des certificats
Paramétrages Iphone
Politiques de sécurité
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Explication du mobile security management façon Mobiquant
- Gestion PKI
- Mise en place d'un réseau VPN
- Audit de sécurité
- Chiffrement des données
- Chiffrement de la voix